Book List for Parents

Dear Friends,

I am pleased to share our list of books for parents. This is a living list – I will be updating you on new insights and resources often so stay tuned!


Between Parent and Child, Haim G. Ginott

Developmentally Appropriate Play, Gaye Gronlund

Growing Into Goodness, Paul Lacey

How Children Succeed, Paul Tough

I Learn From Children, Caroline Pratt

Last Child in the Woods, Richard Louv

Mind in the Making, Ellen Galinsky

Mindset, Carol Dweck

Multiple Intelligences, Howard Gardner

Play, Catherine Garvey

Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A’s, Praise and Other
, Alfie Kohn

Teaching Four Year Olds: A Personal Journey, Carol Hillman

The Gardener and the Carpenter, Alison Gopnik

The Goodness of Rain, Ann Pelo

The Scientist in the Crib, Alison Gopnik

Touchpoints, T. Berry Brazelton

Chappaqua Children’s Room – Books of Backyard Animals

Dear Friends,

We are grateful to the Children’s Librarians at the Chappaqua Public Library for creating our Newsletter for Chappaqua Friends families. The Newsletter includes early childhood reading recommendations based on the themes we are exploring in our classes. We take cues from the interests of the children when developing our themes and incorporate them as we develop bring our curriculum to live and explore integrated subjects of Language Arts, Science and Math. Our current theme: Backyard Animals.

In this Newsletter, our Chappaqua Librarians fell in love with a new nonfiction squirrel book–Squirrels Leap, Squirrels Sleep—and decided to feature it in the newsletter and include a booklist of other backyard animals.  In a nod to winter, they have also included a list of warm, cozy books.  The squirrel book will be on display behind the Children’s Librarians’ desk.  Please visit the Chappaqua Public Library Children’s Room and read this excellent book to your child!



Chappaqua Children’s Room for Friends – Books about Opposites & Preschool Stories

Dear Friends, The Chappaqua Children’s Room Librarians have created a Fall newsletter for Chappaqua Friends families!

This edition of the newsletter for our school includes book recommendations from the Librarians about Opposites and Preschool Stories.  A featured book for our families is the Opposite Zoo by Il Sung Na.  

To read the featured book with your child when you visit the Library, ask a Librarian in the Children’s Room for the copy they have put aside for Chappaqua Friends families behind the Librarians’ desk.  

My grandson and I enjoyed Opposite Zoo after we visited the Bronx Zoo this past summer.  The list of Preschool Stories introduced me to a new book – Little Naomi, Little Chick.  This beautifully written and illustrated book is great for now at the start of the school year, and we will definitely be reading it at school in the spring when our chicks hatch!

In addition to books, the Librarians offer a suggestion for software.  The Tech Bite recommendation is “Labo Pebble Art.”


Chappaqua Children’s Room for Friends – Favorite Books about Family & Dinosaurs

Dear Friends,

The Chappaqua Children’s Room Librarians have created a new newsletter or Chappaqua Friends families.

Each newsletter will feature recommended books for your children which will also be set aside at the Chappaqua Public Library. To read the books with your child when you visit the Library, ask a Librarian in the Children’s Room for the copy they have put aside for Chappaqua Friends families.

Included in this month’s newsletter are favorite books about families and about dinosaurs, as well as a book app suggestion.
