Our Community
Connection and Belonging
We are very fortunate to be part of a community that cares deeply about Chappaqua Friends Nursery School. Our community thrives on the strength of friendships, creativity, collaboration, and active involvement among our children, their families, local organizations, and the broader network of Friends schools
What is community?
Community is a concept we explore daily with our children. They begin to understand their expanding social world—starting with home and family, and extending to the broader communities of friends, school, and neighborhood.
Our family community
Building a bridge between families and schools is essential to a child feeling positive about school. Knowing that their parents are part of the school experience, witnessing their teachers’ and parents’ warm and friendly relationships serves as a foundation for positive and secure feelings about school for their entire time at CFNS.
We welcome and encourage families-parents, siblings, grandparents and anybody else special in a child’s life-to join us for our traditional Chappaqua Friends events. Not only does it foster a child’s positive feelings about their school and allow family members to share in the joy of our setting, but it also fosters lifelong friendships among parents and siblings for generations.
Our traditional family events include:
Fall Festival and Spring CelebrationWinter Holidays Sing-a-long Spring Fling Annual Benefit
Stuart’s Fruit Farm Field Trip
Audubon Field Trip
Parent Back-to-School Night
“Chappaqua Friends is the most thoughtful community of teachers and parents who go above and beyond to work together to continue to develop the finest early childhood program. The passion throughout the entire community is energizing and compassionate. We feel so fortunate to be part of such a giving community.”

Gifts for excellence
We thank our community. Through their generosity and giving, our community affords us the ability to provide the finest program possible to set the foundation for lifelong learning for our children. Through donations of time, talent and financial giving, we are able to continuously improve, upgrade and innovate our space purposefully to build on our curriculum and best prepare children for life beyond our school.
Each year, our Chappaqua Friends Community of parents, teachers, and friends directly impact the lives of our young children through their support. The fundraising efforts close the gap between tuition and the actual cost of supporting the early childhood program that Chappaqua Friends offers. Only through the generous support of the entire Chappaqua Friends Community can we continue to provide an excellent program for children and their families-and we thank them wholeheartedly.
Community giving has afforded very meaningful projects that leave a lasting impression on the children including:
The Newly Renovated KIDchenThe Playscape – Birds Nest Structure The Playscape – Mud Kitchen The Playscape – Adirondack Lean-to
The Playscape – Surrounding plantings
The Big Room – Magnetic Science Wall
The Big Room – Small Parts
Each gift ensures that Chappaqua Friends will continue to have all the resources necessary to continue providing the richest early childhood educational experience for young children and their families.
Your support truly makes a difference
“To our family, Chappaqua Friends has become more than just our children’s preschool. Chappaqua Friends is a place through which each member of our family has cultivated lasting friendships, new appreciations and the general sense of connection and belonging that is often hard to find in a new community.”

2024 Annual Fund
Help Bring music to Friends
Welcome to the 2024 Annual Fund! We are so grateful for the families that contribute to our annual fundraising campaign each year. It is such a special way for families to support specific programs to enrich and strengthen the curriculum at our school.
Thank you and please share!
Thank you for your kindness and for being part of our 2024 Giving Tree. Each gift allows us to continue to build the richest early childhood educational experience for young children and their families.